
Welcome to my download area!

This short guided meditation is for you if you could use a little break from your daily hustle right now.

Allow yourself this special time just for yourself and your self-care. Close your laptop, switch your mobile phone to focus mode, close the door and make yourself comfortable.

I enjoyed recording this meditation for you and hope you enjoy it and find it helpful.

Mindful Momentum guided meditation

(Duration: 5 minutes 57 seconds)

Mindful Momentum Guided meditation

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Im Gegenzug und als Dankeschön bekommst du den großartigen Selfcare Guide mit vielen Inspirationen für Selfcare-Rituale, die du ganz einfach in deinen Alltag einbinden kannst.

Nourish your inner space Selfcare Guide

Viel Freude damit und alles Liebe,
deine Noémie