Morning meditation (Online, English)

Morning meditation (Online, English)

This morning meditation is like a mini check-in and a conscious reset before starting into the new day with its new possibilities and surprises. Take a moment to look inside: what’s going on inside of you, how do you feel, how does your breath flow? Connect to yourself to recharge, tap into your own energy and let it flow. This way, you create a solid base and grounding which allows you to be the conscious creator of your day ahead, energised yet calm and serene.
All levels welcome, no previous knowledge necessary.

Language: English, but can be adjusted to German speakers as well.

This class is an online-only class in cooperation with Yogahub. To book your spot please go to the Yogahub website.

Morning meditation

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Viel Freude damit und alles Liebe,
deine Noémie