Evening meditation (Online, English)

Evening meditation (Online, English)

In this guided evening meditation we treat ourselves to a moment of stillness, of coming down gently after a long and eventful day. We release and let go of all the tension, thoughts and energies we don’t want to take with us into the evening and night, bringing the focus back to ourselves. This session is a beautiful way to consciously transition from the working day into „Feierabend” and night, calming your whole system preparing for a better and more refreshing night’s sleep.
All levels welcome, no previous knowledge necessary.

Language: English, but can be adjusted to German speakers as well.

This class is an online-only class in cooperation with Yogahub. To book your spot please go to the Yogahub website.

Evening meditation

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Viel Freude damit und alles Liebe,
deine Noémie