Osho Meditation | Osho-Meditation
Osho Meditation | Osho-Meditation
Osho Meditation | Osho-Meditation



Start each day for two weeks with active OSHO meditation – beginning with the more powerful techniques and ending with the softer ones!

Together we will bring old baggage from our subconscious to the surface and shake off those patterns that hold us back. As you shed more and more of these unconscious patterns that no longer serve you, something changes within you: step by step and day by day you will start to feel lighter and freer, cleansed and realigned.

Osho’s meditations have had and continue to profoundly impact the lives of thousands, offering a powerful tool for personal transformation and growth. On this two-week journey, we start with the powerful, very active methods and end with the gentle ones — every morning for one hour. What a way to begin your day!

We begin with the Dynamic Meditation, the most intense of all active Osho meditations which we will practice every day in the first week. In the second week, we will practice the softer but just as effective methods, such as Kundalini and Heart meditation.

  • When? 4 – 17 October 2024, daily from 7 to 8 am. We understand that life happens, so if you miss a day or two, don’t worry. However, we encourage everyone to commit to the full two weeks to get the most out of this experience.
  • Where: Mahalaya Studio, Berlin Friedrichshain
  • Cost: 129 € plus 5 € in cash for a blindfold, if you don’t have your own. Early Bird: 108 € until 13.09.2024
  • Facilitators: Noémie and Christoph, both teachers at Mahalaya Studio in Friedrichshain
  • Booking: directly through Mahalaya Yoga Studio. Limited places – make sure to book your spot in time!

Embark on a journey to yourself and discover the transformative power of OSHO meditation.
Register now and seize the opportunity for deep change!

This offer is aimed at ‘healthy’ people and does not replace a doctor, alternative practitioner or psychiatrist. We do not make any diagnoses or promises of healing at any time.
Participation in this event is at your own risk.
Please be sure to inform us of any chronic ailments and/or previous illnesses so that we can discuss together whether participation is safe.

Why OSHO meditation?

OSHO meditation methods are recognised worldwide for their powerful and transformative effect on body, mind and spirit. They support you in uncovering and releasing unconscious baggage from your system, which can leave you feeling light and clear. Many participants report that they feel ‘reborn’ after such a course, with a clear focus and a deeper connection to themselves.

The active OSHO meditations follow a specific and carefully thought-out structure and integrate music and movement. Through the activity, body and mind are brought into harmony, while the mind is given a focus on which it can concentrate without getting caught up in brooding or intellectualising. This can help beginners in particular to get out of their heads and into their bodies, making it easier to deepen into stillness afterwards.

Who is OSHO meditation for?

For everyone,

who has trouble sitting still, or at least think they do,
who is looking for a new, potentially transformative experience,
who does not enjoy classic silent sitting,
who wants to feel and get to know themselves (more).

Osho-Meditation mit Noémie & Christoph
(c) Paula Amenta & Waldemar Salesski


Noémie is a yoga and meditation teacher from Berlin who found her way into regular meditation practice through the OSHO meditations. Initially out of pure curiosity, she experimented with various methods and spent two months at the OSHO camp on Lesbos. There she trained as an In-depth Active OSHO Meditation facilitator and led groups of up to 50 people. As a fun-loving human being, Noémie loves OSHO meditations because they open up a sensual approach to experiencing life.

Christoph is a qualified psychologist, certified coach and holistic counsellor from Berlin. He has been meditating using various meditation methods since the age of 16. Practising different forms of yoga has also been a fundamental part of his life for over 15 years.
He came into contact with the Osho meditations primarily through retreats in Osho centres and through his training as a Holistic Counsellor, which he completed with long-time Osho companions.

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Viel Freude damit und alles Liebe,
deine Noémie